Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Network TV - Filling the gap left from the WB+UPN=CW Deal

Much of the television world was shocked by last month's announcement that the WB and UPN would be merging to form a new network, CW. While many still may be wondering what will happen with their favorite shows, the greater question is, "what will we do with the absence of a television network?" Will life go on? Oh, the agony of it all!

Never fear, loyal tv watcher, News Corp. has announced that it will fill this "missing network" void with a new network, My Network TV. Expected to launch September 5, 2006, this new nework offering will feature a programming service that will showcase two hours of prime-time shows six nights a week. "Desire" and "Secrets" are two prime-time dramas currently scheduled to run. "Desire" chronicles two brothers on the run from the Mafia, while "Secrets" probes the guilty pleasures of beautiful people in the fashion biz. Similar to the mellowdramatic telenovelas popular in Latin America, both shows are full of soap opera plots (all those exciting twists and turns) and hot young stars (hopefully) in the making.

News Corp. also plans to air reality shows on the new network. Reality shows currently in the works are: "Celebrity Love Island" about six celebs thrown together with six regular Joes on an island (think Survivor + Paradise Hotel), "On Scene," a crime show from News Corp.'s Fox News Channel (sounds like another CSI or similar show), and "Catwalk," a supermodel search (Competition for America's Next Top Model.)

Heavily promoted on other Fox networks, News Corp. will also promote these reality shows and likely the entire network on its recently acquired MySpace, a social networking site.

My Network TV will initially reach 24% of the country through 10 Fox-owned stations in such cities as Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and New York that are now UPN affiliates or independents. News Corp executives have said they are confident that their new network will ultimately be carried in 90% of the United States.

(via LA Times and New York Daily News)


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