The Gigapxl Project
The Gigapxl Project is a fascinating ultra high-definition photographic look at America. Defining the upper limits of large-format photography, digital scanning and image processing, custom-built Gigapxl cameras capture images with truly unprecedented resolution.
According to the Gigapxl Project, it would take a video wall of 10,000 television screens or 600 prints from a professional digital SLR camera to capture as much information as that contained in a single Gigapxl exposure.
The Project's near-term goal is to compile a coast-to-coast Portrait of America; photographing her cities, parks and monuments in exquisite detail.
A longer term goal is to create for future generations a world-wide archive of vanishing cultural and archaeological sites.
Check out a sampling of the pictures taken for the Gigapxl Project including:
- The San Francisco/Bay Bridge at Night
- Mormon Temple, San Diego (I think this temple looks like it has been computer generated, but I've searched on the internet and apparently, it exists in San Diego.
- Balboa Park, Reflecting Pool
- Half Dome, Yosemite National Park
- Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose
(Via Digg)
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