Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Janet Jackson - Fat no more

It appears that Janet Jackson has lost much of the weight that she had gained. (the three-part photo progression above is courtest of TMZ) At her peak weight in October, an estimated 250 lbs, she's been following a strict fitness regimen to loose the weight and get back into the hard-body shape that we're all accustomed to seeing her in.

It must be hard to be a celebrity. Looking good all the time must be real work. And when you're not looking your best, you're sure to have a photographer there, willing to take your picture and sell it to the gossip mags. Seeing celebrities not at their best humanizes them, reminding us that they are just people too, albeit famous ones.

Go Janet! Go Janet's trainer and chef! Go Virgin Records, whip her back into shape so she can produce a hit (or several) in her upcoming album release this fall!

(Via TMZ)


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