Treehouses: For your kids or the kid in you!

Wow! Check out these cool tree houses! Daniels Woodland sells amazing, custom-built tree houses that resemble toontown dwellings, with curved and sagging rooflines and crazy, angular windows. The houses stand 14' high and are perched atop a giant, chainsaw-hollowed log. The overall effect is something like toontown in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
Each tree house is built in two main pieces: the playhouse and the log. The playhouse is made from cedar or ship lapped pine siding. The log is a real, old fallen tree that is hollowed out using a chainsaw. To get into the playhouse, simply enter the door in the hollow log, climb up the ladder in the center of the log and pull yourself through the trap door in the floor of the playhouse.
There is a lot more information on Daniels Woodland tree house pages, including many more pictures!
(Via Boing Boing)
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