Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Google Calendar has Launched!

As of tonight, Google calendar has launched! is now live and redirects to the real CL2 login screen.

It has the typical Google interface (pretty slick) and looks like a cool application. I'm excited to use it and compare the Google calendar to MS Outlook. I'm glad there's an import feature where I can import my MS Outlook calendar.

There's a cool little bar on the upper left hand corner of the screen that links you between google products: search, gmail, calendar. Useful and well placed! Now if that button would only be present throughout Google, that'd be nice. Also, I'm a fan of color coding my events, so I'd like that feature added as well.

Yeah for Google and their Calendar! :) Now we'll have to see how practical it is. Will it replace my Outlook? Probably not, as that's what I use for work, but it'll be good to compare the two.

(Via ZNet Googling Google Blog)


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