Friday, March 31, 2006

NASCAR branded meat

Marketers and ad execs are always looking for new and innovative ways to get their products in front of the public. From celebrity endorsements, to pairing your product with another, creating a synergy of awesome-ness, it's amazing what is presented to the public.

I submit, for your approval, one of the latest examples of American advertising synergy (?) NASCAR Meats. Yes, you read correctly, NASCAR is putting it's logo and branding meat.

Available at a grocery store near you, "Rev up your taste buds for the exciting taste of NASCAR Officially licensed meat products." That quote was taken directly from the NASCAR Meat "Taste the Excitement" website.

These NASCAR branded meat products include: hot dogs, bacon, sandwich meat and smoked sausage. So if you had a difficult time choosing your meat products before, NASCAR is here to help.

So my question to you is: "If I start buying and eating NASCAR Meat products, will I go really, really fast?"

(Via Boing Boing)


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